Hier finden Sie alle wissenschaftlichen Publikationen seit dem Jahrdie aus Arbeiten von Mitgliedern des Instituts für Rechtsmedizin hervorgegangen sind. Die Daten werden aus ZORA Zurich Open Repository and Archive übernommen. Wissenschaftliche Publikationen. Goussard, Pierre; van Wyk, Lizelle; Gie, Andre; Jacobs, Carmen; Patel, Shama Aashish; Venkatakrishna, Shyam; Andronikou, Savvas; Ebert, Lars; Verster, Janette; Walzl, Gerhard; Adebiyi, Odunola Sefiyat; Schubert, Pawel T; Janson, Jacques Severe airway obstruction due to pulmonary tuberculosis in a premature infant needing decompression of mediastinal lymph nodes. Pediatric Pulmonology, 59 12 Fukuda, Haruki; Decker, Summer J; Ford, Jonathan M; Schweitzer, Wolf; Ebert, Lars C Neural radiance fields as a complementary method to photogrammetry for forensic 3D documentation: Initial comparative insights. Forensic Imaging, Massaccesi, Claudia; Johnson-Ferguson, Lydia; Zimmermann, Josua; Jung Tattooed Girl Sleeping Blowjob, Alexander; Baumgartner, Markus R; Binz, Tina Maria; Ribeaud, Denis; Eisner, Manuel P; Shanahan, Lilly; Rauhut, Heiko; Quednow, Boris B No evidence for an association of testosterone and cortisol hair concentrations with social decision-making in a large cohort of young adults. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 19 1 Janousch, Clarissa; Eggenberger, Lukas; Steinhoff, Annekatrin; Johnson-Ferguson, Lydia; Bechtiger, Laura; Loher, Michelle; Ribeaud, Denis; Eisner, Manuel; Baumgartner, Markus R; Binz, Tina Maria; Shanahan, Lilly; Quednow, Boris B Words versus Strands: Reliability and Stability of Concordance Rates of Self-Reported and Hair-Analyzed Substance Use of Young Adults over Time. European Addiction Research:Epub ahead of print. Madry, Milena M; Denifle, Teresa; Binz, Tina M; Bogdal, Christian; Kraemer, Thomas; Baumgartner, Markus R Comprehensive Evaluation of Cocaine and its Hydroxy Metabolites in Seized Cocaine and a Large Cohort of Hair Samples. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 48 9 Fliss, Barbara; Krishnarajah, Kirththanan; Ebert, Lars; Wunder, Cora; Franckenberg, Sabine The Correlation of Bile Duct Dilatation in Postmortem Computed Tomography of Lethal Intoxication Cases for Different Drug Types - A Retrospective Study. Medical Sciences, 12 4 Merriam, Tim; Enders, Markus; Bolliger, Stephan A; Schweitzer, Wolf; Thali, Michael J; Ebert, Lars; Fliss, Barbara Anthropometric weight estimation is less accurate than visual weight estimation in forensic postmortem cases in a Swiss population. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Wang, Shouyu; Haas, Cordula; Wang, Zhimin; Du, Jianghua; Lin, Zijie; Hong, Guanghui; Li, Liliang; Tao, Ruiyang; Shen, Yiwen; Neubauer, Jacqueline Coenzyme Q deficiency may predispose to sudden unexplained death via an increased risk of cardiac arrhythmia. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 6 Assessing Environmental Sustainability in Dual-Energy CT: Exploring Energy Consumption and Ecological-Economic Impact in Low Utilization Times. Academic Radiology, 31 11 Polke, Max; Concheiro, Marta; Cooper, Gail; Bogdal, Christian; Baumgartner, Markus R; Krämer, Thomas; Binz, Tina Maria Drug Testing and Analysis, 16 11 A case of hemorrhage at the junctions of the posterior intercostal arteries—a vital sign?. Drug Testing and Analysis:Epub ahead of print. PTB airway compression complicated by vascular abnormalities and cardiac involvement: A case series demonstrating diagnosis and management. Pediatric Pulmonology:Epub ahead of print. Ehlert, Alexander; Zimmermann, Josua; Johann, David; Ribeaud, Denis; Eisner, Manuel; Baumgartner, Markus R; Shanahan, Lilly; Rauhut, Heiko; Quednow, Boris B Substance Use—Related Alterations of Social Decision Making in a Longitudinal Cohort of Young Adults. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience Jung Tattooed Girl Sleeping Blowjob Neuroimaging, 9 10 Zoelch, Niklaus; Heimer, Jakob; Richter, Henning; Luechinger, Roger; Archibald, Jessica; Thali, Michael J; Gascho, Dominic In situ temperature determination using magnetic resonance spectroscopy thermometry for noninvasive postmortem examinations. NMR in Biomedicine, 37 10 :e Gascho, Dominic Photon-counting CT for forensic death investigations—a glance into the future of virtual autopsy. Frontiers in Radiology,
A recently published study provides details of a series of 8 short-term travelers to the Zanzibar archipelago who contracted malaria. Zoelch, Niklaus; Heimer, Jakob; Richter, Henning; Luechinger, Roger; Archibald, Jessica; Thali, Michael J; Gascho, Dominic Who knows what new gadgetry we will rely on in a year, or two, or five? Mai-Thu Perret 41 Artist. Things have changed a lot since then, Anita says. Australia also had its own ambassador in the s who made television spots.
Klinik für Hautkrankheiten -Allgemeine Dermatologie und Venerologie- Von-Esmarch-Str. 58 Münster. Zentrum der Inneren Medizin . All travellers should have completed a basic immunisation and boosters according to the Swiss vaccination schedule. Zentrum der Chirurgie. And it is exactly these faces that painter Oskar Stocker presents in his new “Year- ning: Sehnsucht” exhibition: Styrian women and men, who for various reasons. Dr. med. Kerstin Steinbrink. Univ.-Prof.Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 56 2 Keepers CEO Eugene Dicker wants to use technology to make the world a safer one for children to explore. Exome analysis focusing on epilepsy-related genes in children and adults with sudden unexplained death. A novel bedtime pulsatile-release caffeine formula ameliorates sleep inertia symptoms immediately upon awakening. The elephant was not usually employed. There is no specific treatment for dengue virus infection. The infection with the polio virus can affect children and adults and may lead to permanent limb or respiratory muscle paralysis and death. Via an app, her start-up Urban Connect offers companies access to a fleet of e-bikes, e-scooters and e-cars. Well-traveled, from a background that valued work and common business sense, their experience and knowledge served them well. But dark slate would have absorbed too much heat, contributing to heat islands which may increase global warming and contravene LEED guidelines. Bernard dog in an advertising campaign for Zurich UK One Concern built a digital twin of the real world to reveal hidden risks in man-made and natural environments. Hourscht, Cynthia; Christe, Andreas; Diers, Shane; Thali, Michael J; Ruder, Thomas D Some people want to sit close to others, and others stake out the quietest corner. Thanks to Zurich we not only got the chance to work abroad, but it also allowed us to grow our careers and make new friends! Liability cover for property damage caused by cars came later. Entry requirement per country, see IATA LINK. Es ist auch möglich, dass gleichzeitig mehr als eine STI gleichzeitig übertragen wird. Such allegorical figures were a fairly common advertising motif around the turn of the last century. Investigation and optimization of an innovative method for detecting driving impairment in road traffic. Heimer, Jakob; Gascho, Dominic; Madea, Burkhard; Steuer, Andrea E; Martinez, Rosa Maria; Thali, Michael J; Zoelch, Niklaus The cobot does boring things like repetitive vacuuming. Forensic examination of living persons in 3D models. At an early age, he learned how to help his father change the oil in the family car. But this is likely to be only the beginning. Technical note: Semiautomated targeted postmortem computed tomography angiography of the pulmonary arteries using a robotic system. As regular workplaces return to normal, some employees on any given day are still working remotely and some in the office.